Paper Please! - Like dominos, state after state are demanding paper ballots

Smartmatic President Indicted on Bribery, Money Laundering Election Scheme

Virginia Gov signs ID-mandating EO

Virginia Mandates Paper Ballots

The Deep-State can't hide it anymore... Your Votes are NOT Secure

Press Conference St Lucie And Pinellas Watchdogs

Systemic Election Problems in Florida Exposed by 13 AF SOE Candidates

Define Irony... On the same day that the Lee County Supervisor of Election's entire computer system is down, unable to accept voter registrations, candidate financial filings, or any other electronic actions... Tommy Duhyle texts out how "he's the candidate for Election Integrity"...

Text to candidates, requiring candidate reports on a non-functioning system

VR Systems Crash

Text to voters on Friday 7/19/24, pretending "All is Well!"

FYI Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle here reminding you to return your Vote by Mail ballot as soon as you can!

I’m proud of our work protecting against voter fraud and making our Lee County elections more secure than ever, but today, I need your help. Return your ballot with a vote for Tommy Doyle for Supervisor of Elections today,and help us fight for election integrity!”   – Tommy Doyle

The Common Sense Takeaway...

Let’s share this irony far and wide… Tommy Doyle is delusional and living on de banks of de Nile.
  • We must return to hand-counted paper ballots now
  • We must kick VR Systems out of the equation
  • We must elect Mick Peters… the REAL Election Integrity candidate in Lee County

Election machine hacked live on stage

Citizen group makes progress on election reform

Just how secure are electronic voting machines?

Election machine hacked live on stage

Citizen group makes progress on election reform

Just how secure are electronic voting machines?

Remember the long lines of 2022?

Incompetence, or Man-Made Crisis? You decide!

When Lee SoE closed all but 12 polling places? And blamed it on Ian? Even though most of the locations were unaffected by the storm?

“When you look at the 2012 and the 2024 signatures, what you see is that they don’t vary that much,” Fenoff said. “Over that 12-year period, the signatures remain relatively consistent.”

The 2020 signature stood out as different, Fenoff said.