Mick Peters has the courage to stand up against intimidation and beat the machine. He’s done it before. Mick Peters will defend your right to free and fair elections and will never ever be intimidated or compromised.

Mick has spent much of his life fighting for our First and Second Amendment Rights. As a result, he has been the victim of “Liberal Lawfare”. Even in the face of losing his freedom he’s never backed down, sold out, or ran from the fight. 

Mick is the man you want in your corner when it comes to standing up against the machine, the Uni-party, the RINOs, and everyone else who seeks to subvert your most fundamental right, and highest form of free speech, your right to vote! 


Over 22 years ago, I owned a sporting goods store and was a federal firearms licensee from ‘92 – ’01. In ‘01, I transitioned to being a mortgage broker, let my license expire, and liquidated my inventory as a private seller. 

The ATF wanted to take down the gun shows so they targeted me in the hopes that they could coerce me into becoming a confidential informant. They started by auditing every transaction I ever made. When they couldn’t find a mistake, they sent in a confidential informant, to try to trip me up. Something didn’t seem right about the guy but I could no longer pull a background check, since my license had expired. I asked a friend, who still had his license, to unofficially do a background check on him. The informant came back clean. So I sold him a handgun and a long gun on 2 occasions. The transactions were flawless. 

They coached their C.I. better, and on their 3rd attempt, the same informant told me he wanted an AR (Armalite Rifle). I only had one that was an antique collector’s item in my personal collection. I agreed to sell it to him. 

When he purchased it, he told me he thought he might have been charged with a felony from something that had happened many years ago,  up north, where he kicked his own front door in. Having already seen his clean background check, I assured him that if he was actually a felon, he’d know it, and that it’s not a felony to destroy your own property. I then encouraged him to go ahead and have a background check done so he could rest assured that he was not a felon. 

The next thing I knew, armed ATF agents conducted a raid of my home at 4am. It was a traumatic event for my wife, kids, and dogs. 

As a private citizen selling a gun, I am not required to run a background check, but I’m not supposed to sell a gun to someone if I have reasonable cause to believe they are a felon. 

I would not tell them that my friend had run a background check unofficially because my friend would have gotten in trouble. They offered to drop the charges if I became a confidential informant and set up the gun shows the same way I was set up. I refused, but they will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda.

My life was ruined. My businesses were ruined. My savings was depleted. I stood to lose everything. 

Thankfully, my wonderful wife stood beside me through it all. I served house arrest and probation and then set forth to rebuild my life. 

Today, I continue to stand up for our God Given Rights. I am willing to risk everything once again to secure our elections and save our Great Nation.

Just like Trump, I’m all in.